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das goodshaus
Inhaber/in - Joseph Abdel-Nour Verkäufer Bewertung

Bio Espresso ganze Bohne 1Kg

Verkäufer: das goodshaus Berlin

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1kg (34,90€/kg)

Verkäufer Bewertung

das goodshaus
Inhaber/in - Joseph Abdel-Nour Verkäufer Bewertung


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'Bio Espresso ganze Bohne 1Kg'

14 Tage Rückgaberecht


Merchant's House Blend Organic Espresso Whole Beans 1Kg

WITHOUT COFFEIN. Don't wake up. Don't push. Don't make it faster. Also not aroused. So actually no coffee. But just right for the coffee drinker who doesn't like to drink coffee but wants to have a cup of coffee. It's lead-free anyway, but also without caffeine. Despite the name, it is a real coffee. Peruvian espresso beans freed from the caffeine that is undesirable in this case in the CO2 process in Germany. Wonderful nutty character. We slowly roasted it to the point in our drum roaster.

Merchant 6 Friends roast organic coffee in Hermannsdrof / Bavaria, made from the best raw materials. And make the best coffee for individualists out of it. To you! They have decided: "Reach even more people and motivate them to devote their time to the few good things and the many good people. With a good cup of coffee." They are constantly on the lookout for the best raw materials in organic quality and roast them according to their own art. They mix the coffees carefully, taste their creations and are constantly looking for ways to make them even better.

das goodshaus
In unserem Shop in der Kastanienallee gibt es seit 2013 eine wunderbare Auswahl an Design Wohnaccessoires, traumhaften Dekorationsobjekten, handgemachtem Schmuck, nachhaltiger Küchenausstattung und zauberhaften Papierwaren. Lasst Euch bezaubern von den vielen kleinen und großen Dingen die das Leben schöner machen. Ein Store voller ausgewählter Stücke, die Wohnen, Leben und Schenken zu etwas Besonderem machen. Wir halten eine handverlesene Auswahl feinster Lieblingsstücke und wunderschöner Accessoires für Dich bereit. Lass Dich inspirieren von unserer Liebe zu Farben und Motiven. Wir nehmen dich mit auf unsere Reise in die Dekowelt zwischen Boho-Chic und skandinavischem Stil, pariser Chic und japanischer Raffinesse.
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